Recognize - Explore - Turn - Use Breath - Release & Replace - Nuetral Response 

Welcome to The Return Website!  RETURN is a program and book written by Tamara Parker, collaborated with Lacey Mansius, and Illustrated by Bethany Sorenson.  

RETURN to Happy is the result of two friends trying to help each other through their pain. Lacey was facing the anguish of divorce after 20 years of marriage, and Tamara was struggling to find tools to combat pain affecting her relationships and behavior.  

Becoming a Program: Lacey had the vision to see this could help many others. Tamara spent two years expanding and developing her research while collaborating with Lacey and their talented illustrator, Bethany, a graphic design student. Together, this creative team made RETURN to Happy, a six-class program Tamara has taught four times, to a total of roughly 50 people, with many requests for a book. 

Lacey Mansius and Tamara Parker 

The goal of RETURN is to help teach people of all ages, but most especially we would like to help children understand their reactive mind, and how they can use the space after a stimulus to respond with a centered mind.  Nigel and Lovey are our characters who Bethany Soresnson has created to illustrate in a visual way the concepts we are teaching.  In this picture Nigel is showing us the light that we can balance from all the centers of our body that all combine together to create a centered space to reside.  

We are a Creative Team!  These are pictures of the three of us at a publishing conference.  For at least a year we would have weekly meetings where we would explore different concepts and ideas in relation to what Tamara was working on.  And how we could apply that to Bethany's illustrations.  It is a time we all treasure, and we have felt God's hand in our meetings.